Have You Called For Your AC Maintenance Yet?

With the heat of summer fast approaching, it’s important that your air conditioning system is ready. That’s why you need to call Family Danz right away to get the maintenance you need to keep your system running great. Maintaining your air conditioning system is one of the best ways you can ensure effective, efficient operation all summer long. Not to mention, getting regular AC is important to the life of your system. We’re happy to provide maintenance plans that help keep your air conditioning system in perfect shape.

If you don’t maintain your system, you can be in for a whole host of issues. The most common problem comes from a dirty system. Clogged filters and air coils can make your system operate much less efficiently, and can eventually lead to issues that might require repairs. Worse yet, an unkempt air conditioning system can become a place for mold and bacteria to collect. Not only will this cause inefficiency in your system, but it also can lead to poor indoor air quality.

Getting maintenance for your system is important for the health and comfort of you and your family.

When you choose us for your air conditioning maintenance needs, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. Aside from your annual service and tune-up appointment with us, you’ll also receive:

  • Priority scheduling for emergency service
  • 15 percent discount on parts and labor
  • 24-hour emergency service
  • No overtime rates

Preventive maintenance is important to the life and efficiency of your home’s air conditioning system. We can get you the maintenance you need to keep your air conditioning system running perfectly now and for years to come. Scheduling service with us is easy. You can call us at 518.427.8685, or schedule an appointment with a Family Danz technician by filling out our convenient online form.

5 Ways You Can Prepare for Spring Cleaning

Woman cleaning a shelfWhen it’s time for spring to arrive, many people’s thoughts turn to getting the whole house clean and ready for the summer ahead. Of course, factors like needing outside services like carpet cleaning and HVAC maintenance, clutter, other commitments and lack of necessary supplies can all cut into your spring-cleaning time and make it even more of a dreaded chore. If you plan for spring-cleaning in advance, though, once the time to actually start scrubbing arrives, you’ll be ready. Below you’ll find some helpful, pre-planning tips that are sure to make cleaning a breeze.

  • Schedule Your Time: It might seem strange to make an appointment with yourself, but carving time out of your calendar for spring-cleaning is important in today’s busy world. Add cleaning times to your calendar and stick to them once they arrive. And, make sure you create enough time to accomplish the tasks at hand. One way you can better estimate how much time each task will take is to list in detail what you wish to accomplish. For instance, don’t just make an appointment to clean the kitchen. List each thing you’d like to do in your kitchen, such as cleaning the fridge, cleaning the oven, washing down walls and woodwork, organizing cupboards and drawers and cleaning the floors. Once you see the overarching task broken down into individual components, the easier it will be to manage and schedule your time.
  • Call Ahead for Service: Know what specific services you’ll need in order to complete your spring-cleaning successfully, and call in advance to make appointments. Some common services you’ll likely need outside help with include air conditioning maintenance, deep carpet and upholstery cleaning and landscaping services. Check with your family, too, and make sure their schedules work with your cleaning schedule as well. And, if someone needs to be home during service appointments, give yourself ample time to schedule any necessary time off from work.
  • Shop Around for Supplies: Planning your spring-cleaning in advance affords you the opportunity of shopping around for deals on cleaning supplies, which can get expensive. Take an inventory of what you have and what you need. Are your mops, brooms and dusters in good condition? Is your vacuum cleaner ready for the tasks at hand? Do you have the cleaners, chemicals, towels and sponges you need? By answering these questions in advance, you won’t have to make a supply run in the middle of cleaning, which can infringe on your valuable time and disrupt your flow.
  • Start Early with De-cluttering: Before you start your cleaning, you probably will want to get some of the clutter out of the way. If you make a point every six months or so to go through your clothing and get rid of anything you haven’t worn in some time or doesn’t fit properly, that’s a good start. Having a designated area for papers and filing away anything you need to save is good practice, too. Giving away household items and children’s toys that are not used can help keep countertops, shelves and closets free of clutter, making them easier to clean once spring arrives.
  • Create a Cleaning Playlist: Most people agree, music makes everything – including spring cleaning – more bearable. Create a playlist that features bright, upbeat music and you’ll stay motivated throughout your cleaning doldrums.

At Family Danz, we can help you make AC cleaning and maintenance a part of your spring-cleaning routine. Call us today at us at 518.427.8685 for an appointment, and we will be happy to help!

Should You Maintain Your Air Conditioning System?

Technician fixing an air conditionerWith so many household expenses nowadays, it isn’t a surprise that homeowners are trying to cut corners and save money wherever they can. Many times, people are tempted to save money by putting their HVAC system maintenance on hold. But, the truth is, not getting your system’s annual preventive maintenance can be more costly in the end. What are the benefits of preventive maintenance for your air conditioning system, and how can Family Danz help meet your needs?

The truth is, maintaining your AC system is one of the best ways you can ensure effective, efficient operation. Regular maintenance is important for the life of your system. Think of your automobile. What if you never got an oil change, or new filters, or new tires? What if you never took it to the carwash or made minor repairs when they sprung up? As you can imagine, your car or truck probably wouldn’t last too long. Your home comfort system works in a similar way. You have motors, fans, filters, fluids and electrical components that all need to be maintained properly in order to ensure your AC system enjoys a long life.

But isn’t AC maintenance expensive?

And, you may be surprised to learn that proper maintenance often pays for itself. Your air conditioning system will run far more efficiently if it has been maintained regularly, and that will help you save money on your utility bills. Plus, you’ll have to deal with fewer system breakdowns and expensive repairs. Regular maintenance means one of our technicians will be able to check your system thoroughly and take care of any small repairs before they become major ones – and that will save you money in the long run.

A more subtle effect of a properly maintained AC system is not visible to the eyes, but the chances are your nose knows. Homes that have the right maintenance have healthier air, because filters are changed an air coils are cleaned. When your system isn’t maintained, it can become a repository for dirt, mold and bacteria – and that can quickly cause your home’s air to take an unhealthy turn for the worst.

Can AC maintenance help my system last longer?

Of course, one of the biggest benefits of making sure your AC system gets the annual maintenance it needs is that your system will last longer. Let’s face it – like your vehicle, your HVAC system is a necessary, but large, expense. You want to get the most out of your system and make sure it lasts you a long time. Properly maintained systems enjoy a much longer lifespan than their neglected counterparts – often more than 10 years.

And, should an emergency arise with your system, when you have a maintenance plan from Family Danz, we will be there to help you. Our maintenance plan customers receive priority scheduling for emergency services, a 15 percent discount on parts and labor, 24-hour emergency service and no overtime rates. So aside from a comprehensive annual maintenance that will keep your system running smoothly for years, we’ll also be there to help if you have any repair needs, too.

As you can see, preventive maintenance is important to the life and efficiency of your home’s air conditioning system. Family Danz can help you get the maintenance you need for the life of your system. Just give us a call at us at 518.427.8685 and we will be happy to help you get the preventive maintenance you need.

Heating Maintenance Can Save Your System

heating-maintenance-300x201Your home heating system is easy to take for granted, especially when it’s working well and you and your family are enjoying warmth and comfort. But like any other equipment, a furnace needs regular maintenance in order to perform optimally. Neglecting annual maintenance for your home heating equipment can result in your furnace not operating effectively and efficiently, or worse, breaking down altogether. How does heating maintenance help your furnace live a longer, more efficient life? Home Energy Pros, a subsidiary of the U.S. Dept. of Energy, provides some answers.

First and foremost, one of the main benefits of annual maintenance is getting your furnace clean. Dirt can quickly diminish your system’s effectiveness and efficiency, and that can cost you money when it comes to your utility bills and hefty repairs down the road. The reason why cleaning your furnace is so important is because dirt affects all of the main components of your furnace – the filters, the blower and the motor. Replacing your furnace filter at the beginning of each heating season, and then monthly with continuous use, helps dirt from entering your blower and causing damage.

Family Danz can help you get the maintenance you need to prolong the life of your heating system. When you choose us for your heating maintenance needs, you’ll get these great benefits:

  • Priority Scheduling for Emergency Services
  • 15 Percent Discount on Parts and Labor
  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • No Overtime Rates

Our talented technicians will completely inspect and tune up your furnace, ensuring that it’s ready for the cooler weather ahead. And, scheduling your fall maintenance with us is easy – just give Family Danz a call at (518) 427-8685, or fill out our convenient contact form, and we will be more than happy to help you with your heating maintenance needs.

Preparing Your Air Conditioner for Warmer Weather

preparing_ac_springOnce spring rolls around, everyone’s thoughts turn to the warm summer days to come. You may decide it’s time to get the house clean and work on some of those home improvement projects you’ve been putting off. When you exit hibernation mode and start that spring cleaning, don’t forget your air conditioning system. Preparing your AC for summertime helps ensure you’ll enjoy greater comfort this summer. And, when your air conditioning system is running well, it will be more efficient – and that means you’ll save on your utility bills.

Homeowners can take positive action in making sure their air conditioning systems are performing optimally. Here are some things you can do to prepare your system for warmer weather:

  • Change your air filters monthly. If your filters are dirty, your AC system will have to work harder.
  • Clean around your outdoor unit. Remove vegetation and debris that might be surrounding the unit.
  • Remove registers and inspect ductwork, removing any visible dirt, pet hair, and debris.
  • Make sure to schedule your annual preventive maintenance with Family Danz.

When you call us for your annual maintenance, we’ll get your AC unit tuned up and provide you with a complete inspection. This will help your equipment live longer and more efficiently – and that will save you on the cost of replacement and on your energy bills. Give us a call at (518) 427-8685 to schedule your spring preventive maintenance and find out how you can keep your air conditioning system in tip-top shape.

March is the Right Time to Schedule Spring Maintenance

ac_preventive_maintenanceSpring is right around the corner, and while you’re probably not ready to run your air conditioner yet, you may be thinking about getting it ready for the warmer weather ahead. Preventive maintenance is a very important part of keeping your air conditioning system running its best and most efficient. And, when you have your air conditioner serviced on an annual basis, you’re also ensuring that it enjoys a longer life – and who doesn’t want their home comfort equipment to last as long as it possibly can?

Every air conditioning system requires regular maintenance to ensure it’s running at maximum efficiency. Keeping it properly maintained on an annual basis will help to lower your utility bills, reduce the need for service calls, increase efficiency and prolong the lifespan of your equipment. When you choose a preferred service agreement with Family Danz, your system will receive a professional cleaning and precision tune-up. Air conditioning maintenance includes:

• Refrigerant charge check
• Electrical components check
• Air filter check
• Condensate drainage check
• Overall efficiency check
• Condenser coils check

When you call Family Danz, we can help you with the preventive maintenance you need to ensure your system stays running all summer long, no matter how hot it gets outside. Our technicians have been specially trained to maintain virtually all makes and models of air conditioning equipment. When you choose Family Danz Heating & Cooling for your air conditioning maintenance needs, you’ll receive the following additional benefits as well:

• Priority Scheduling for Emergency Services
• 15% Discount on Parts & Labor
• 24-Hour Emergency Service
• No Overtime Rates

And scheduling your annual preventive maintenance appointment with us is easy. You can either give us a call at 518-427-8685 or fill out our convenient online contact form, and one of our friendly representatives will be happy to help you set up your appointment with us.

Planned Maintenance is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

boiler repairs and maintenanceThis holiday season, while you’re making your list and checking it twice, why not consider adding your home’s heating system to the recipient list? We know that may sound a little odd, but when you give your furnace or boiler the gift of planned maintenance, you’re giving a gift that keeps on giving. That’s because planned maintenance not only helps your heating system keep you comfortable all winter long, it also helps it stay running for years to come.

According to ENERGY STAR, maintaining your heating system is important, because it helps to prevent problems in your system later on, and the often-high costs associated with those issues. Not to mention, annual maintenance will help your heating system operate at the highest efficiency and effectiveness possible, so you’ll be able to save on your heating bills winter after winter. The best time to have your heating system checked and maintained is in the fall, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get the help you need this winter.

When you call Family Danz Heating & Cooling to help with your heating system maintenance, we’ll offer you one of our comprehensive heating maintenance plans, designed to help prolong the life, reliability and safety of your home’s furnace or boiler. When you choose us for your heating system maintenance needs, you’ll receive the following benefits:

  • Priority Scheduling for Emergency Services
  • 15 Percent Discount on Parts and Labor
  • 24-Hour Emergency Services
  • No Overtime Rates
  • Annual Preventive Maintenance & Tune-Up

At Family Danz, we train our skilled technicians to maintain virtually any make or model of furnace or boiler on the market today. They will provide a complete assessment of your system that includes checking your thermostat settings, checking your electrical connections, lubricating your heating system’s moving parts, and checking your condensate drain and system controls. Additionally, our technician will take a look at all gas or oil connections, gas pressure, burner combustion and heat exchanger.

This holiday season, there’s no better gift than preventive maintenance for your heating system, when it comes to the comfort and safety of your family. If you’d like to learn more about the heating services we provide, Family Danz is ready to assist you. Simply call us at (518) 427-8685 and we will be more than happy to help you with your heating system needs.



What is Your Furnace Telling You?

Whether or not you are a cold weather person, it’s inevitable that the winter is soon going to return to the Schenectady, N.Y. area. That means furnaces throughout the Capital District will soon be firing up to meet the task of keeping you and your family comfortable no matter how far Mother Nature lowers the temperature.

Sadly, not all of them will be up to the task.

Family Danz Heating & Cooling has seen a lot of heating crises in our nearly four decades of helping keep folks warm no matter what the winter throws at them. Unfortunately, all too often those heat-out emergencies come at the worst possible time — the dead of a cold, blustery winter night. Don’t find yourself in a similar state of panic. Pay attention to your furnace right now to prevent your own heating emergency later on.

Much of the time, there will be warnings that something just isn’t right. Your friendly Family Danz technician is here to come out for a professional inspection of your heating system to check it for function and safety. We’ll put our years of experience to the task of making sure your furnace is up to the rigors of the New York winter and help it maintain a comfortable and healthy home or office.

The age of your furnace is a good indicator of whether you are likely to make it through the winter warm and cozy. Today’s furnaces have a life expectancy of around 20 years, so if yours is older than that you might want to check with Family Danz to see if it’s time to do a little shopping. In addition to the added safety of the newer furnace, you’ll also likely see an immediate drop in your energy bills as your efficiency level increases.

Of course, even with proper prior planning, anything can happen in the cold of the winter. Remember Family Danz is always just a phone call away in a furnace emergency as well. Make sure to keep our number close to your telephone, for a little peace of mind that we have are here for you no matter how cold it gets.

Family Danz Heating & Cooling is a full-service heating and air conditioning contractor, offering sales and service in Schenectady, N.Y. and all through the Capital District of New York State. If you would like more information on any of our services, call us today at 518-427-8685.

Be Sure to Prep Your Central AC for Fall

Did you know that a quality central air conditioning system could serve you well for 15 years or more with the proper maintenance?

They key words here are “proper maintenance,” and sadly not everyone does their part in preserving their investment.

At Family Danz Heating & Cooling, we get those emergency repair calls from folks in the Albany, N.Y. area that have suddenly found their air conditioning no longer works the way it should. And all too often, the culprit is the home or business owners themselves.

It’s not everyone, of course — most people treat their AC systems with the TLC they need to keep them up and running. Maybe the rest just need a little reminder.

With the colder weather coming again around the Capital District of New York State, your AC system will soon get a much-needed break from the wear and tear of summer usage. But that rest time won’t be as beneficial to the equipment if you don’t prepare it properly for the elements.

Make sure to change the air filter and give your AC unit a thorough cleaning before you pack it up for the winter. That way you know it’ll be ready to go come the next hot day next year.

Leaves will soon be falling, and if you have an outside condenser it is important to keep them and any other debris away from the machinery. Snow on top of those leaves will only compound the problem. Make sure to keep the AC equipment free of clutter … and also trim away any foliage that can become a hindrance. Once you are sure it is cool enough that you won’t need the cooling relief of your AC system make sure to cover it to protect it from the winter. If you have portable AC units, remove them from the windows and store them in a safe place.

Even with all of these do-it-yourself seasonal maintenance tips, we are always right here for you if you feel the job is more than you can handle. To schedule a professional AC checkup before the winter sets in, give Family Danz a call today.

Family Danz Heating & Cooling is a full-service heating and air conditioning contractor, offering sales and service in Albany, N.Y. and throughout the Capital District of New York State. If you would like more information on any of our services, call us at 518-427-8685.

Help Your AC Face the Fall with Family Danz

Summer is winding down in the Clifton Park, N.Y. area, and that means running your air conditioning system less and less until you’ll finally need to prepare it for a winter nap. But the long, hot summer has likely taken a toll on your AC, so before you let it rest out the cold months you might want to have it checked by a service technician.

Family Danz Heating & Cooling has nearly four decades of experience in making sure all heating, AC, and ventilation equipment is up and running to peak capacity. Routine maintenance is always a necessity in keeping the HVAC apparatus in your home or office operating the way it should. Our highly trained technicians will be able to inspect your AC system for any damage caused by the summer usage, and head off any problems before it lies dormant through the winter months.

There are certainly many parts of the maintenance process that you can do yourself, like changing the filter on a regular basis. At the same time, there are numerous points of inspection that should only be done by experienced professionals with the right training and the right tools. Family Danz will make sure the job is done right the first time, emphasizing safety and efficiency while saving you money on possible costly repairs down the road.

HVAC units are a big part of the home and office budget, so proper maintenance is a must to protect that investment. And now is a great time to have your AC system checked, because you will beat the seasonal rush of people who are getting their furnaces inspected in preparation for the winter to come. You’ll also enjoy the cold a lot more when you know your AC system is ready to go when the heat returns.

To schedule an AC checkup, give Family Danz a call today. It won’t bring back any of that summer fun, but you’ll know you are ready to go when it comes back next year.

Family Danz Heating & Cooling is a full-service heating and air conditioning contractor, offering sales and service in Clifton Park, N.Y. and throughout the Capital District of New York State. If you would like more information on any of our services, call us today at 518-427-8685.