When Should I Consider a New Heating System?

man in blankets and winter wear sits on sofaWhen winter’s chill returns to the Albany area, most homeowners turn to their home heating system for warmth and comfort. An effective, efficient heating system can make the freezing temperatures outside more bearable and can help you and your family stay cozy on the chilliest of days. But, if your heating system isn’t working as well as it should, you may find yourself cold, uncomfortable, and paying more on your utility bills.

A new heating system can be a costly venture, which is why many people put off replacing their old system. However, it may cost you more to keep that old heating system going. In this article, we’ll talk about the signs that you might need a new heating system and how Family Danz can help you find the right one for your home and lifestyle needs. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Heating System

Nobody likes to think about having to replace HVAC equipment in their home. Your heating system is a major investment and something you rely on for comfort for several months of the year. If your system is showing the following signs, though, it may be time for a replacement.

  1. Your heating system is more than 15 years old. In our area of the state, the heating systems in our homes often are working from October through May. That means that they put in a lot of overtime keeping us comfortable. As your heating system ages, it becomes less effective and efficient, especially if it hasn’t received the proper maintenance. If you’ve noticed your energy bills increasing and your comfort decreasing, then it’s probably time for a replacement.
  2. You’ve had to make frequent, expensive repairs. Because your heating system works hard to keep you comfortable, you can expect to make minor repairs now and then. That’s a normal part of your heating system aging. However, if repairs have become more frequent and more costly, you may be better off financially overall if you replace your system.
  3. Your energy bills have steadily increased over the years. As your equipment ages, it loses some of its original efficiency. The older it is, the more inefficient it becomes, leaving you with higher and higher energy bills. Many of today’s heating systems offer much better efficiency than their predecessors, so it’s likely that by replacing your system, you’ll save money. High-efficiency systems can save you between 10-20% over a 15-year-old furnace, for instance.
  4. You have added on to your home. Many people don’t take their HVAC system into account when they add space to their home, but if you have built an addition, upgraded your basement, or converted any space not formerly attached to your home’s HVAC system, your heating system may not be the right size for your increased square footage. While you may not need an entirely new system, you may want to consider an alternative source of heat, such as ductless, as it will help balance out your heating and allow your central heating system to operate more efficiently.
  5. You and your family are never comfortable. If you’re always having heating system failure, or your equipment is inadequately heating your home, or no matter how many times you adjust the thermostat you simply cannot get your home warm, it’s time to consider a new system.

If your heating system is showing any of the signs above, it’s time to call in the pros. They will examine your system to see if repairs are all that is needed, and if so, explain to you what repairs they’ll make and the cost. If your system should be replaced, they’ll show you all the available options and help you choose the right heating system for your home – and your budget.

If you need a heating system replacement, count on Family Danz to help.

At Family Danz, we’re pleased to offer our customers complete heating services, so whether you have a furnace, boiler, or heat pump, our skilled technicians can help. They’ll thoroughly troubleshoot your system to see if making repairs is cost-effective And, if repairs will either be extremely expensive or impossible, they can help you choose replacement equipment so you and your family can enjoy a comfy, cozy home all winter long. Just give us a call at 518.427.8685 and we’ll be happy to help you.

How Do I Know if I Need Heating Repairs?

Woman feeling cold at home in winterThe chilly weather has returned to the Albany area, and chances are you’ve had to run your home’s heating system by now. But maybe you’re not feeling as warm and cozy as you’d like to be. If not, your heating system might not be operating as well as it should be. How do you know if your heating system needs repairs?

In this article, we’ll talk about three different types of heating equipment – furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps – and some of the signs they might give you if they need repair services. And, we’ll explain how Family Danz can help. Keep reading to learn more!


Most of the homes in North America rely on a furnace to keep them comfortable during the chillier months of the year. Furnaces work by forcing warm air through ductwork that delivers the heated air throughout the house via registers. Some of the ways you can tell if your furnace needs repair services include:

  • Increased energy bills
  • Unusual odors
  • Strange noises
  • Uneven heating
  • Carbon monoxide alarm sounding

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, you should have your furnace checked out by a professional HVAC technician as soon as possible. If your carbon monoxide alarm sounds, you should leave your home immediately and call 911. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause serious illness and can be fatal.


While most homeowners have a furnace installed in their home for heating, the next most popular system is boiler heating. Boiler heat is considered radiant heat because it delivers heated water to radiators throughout your home. The radiators then heat the air in your rooms. Signs your boiler may need repair include:

  • Radiators not heating or no heat at all
  • Signs of water leakage
  • Unusual noise
  • Low water pressure
  • The pilot will not stay lit

If you’ve checked your thermostat and that doesn’t seem to be the problem, the next step is to call your HVAC professional. A leaky boiler can do a lot of damage to your home quickly, so if you notice water collecting around your boiler or see an obvious leak, call as soon as possible.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps have been used in the south for home heating for quite some time, but are a relatively new way of heating homes in the Northeast. This is because early heat pump systems were not capable of providing adequate heating when the temperatures dipped too low. Modern technology has allowed cold-climate heat pump systems to be used more effectively in our chilly climate. Heat pump systems that need repair may show the following signs:

  • Increased energy bills
  • Ice on coil
  • Short cycling
  • Poor airflow
  • Constant operation

Because your heat pump system is often used for air conditioning in the summer, you’ll want to have it checked out right away if it doesn’t seem to be working right. While it can provide you with high-efficiency, year-round comfort, a problem that goes unchecked can spill over into the next season when you need it for cooling – and nobody wants a total breakdown on a hot summer day!

Family Danz can help meet your heating repair needs.

At Family Danz, we’re pleased to offer our customers complete heating services, so whether you have a furnace, boiler, or heat pump, our skilled technicians can help. They’ll thoroughly troubleshoot your system and make the repairs you need quickly. And, if repairs will either be extremely expensive or impossible, they can help you choose replacement equipment so you and your family can enjoy a comfy, cozy home all winter long. Just give us a call at 518.427.8685 and we’ll be happy to help you.

Need a New Home Comfort System? Heat Pumps are a Great Choice.

girl and mother enjoying sunny morningNow that the summer months are winding down, you may be wondering if your home heating system will be ready for the cooler weather ahead. If you’ve been considering updating your home comfort equipment, you should know that heat pumps are a great option. Heat pump systems have been around for a while, but have only recently become a more popular choice for home comfort in the Northeast.

That’s because older heat pumps did not have the capacity to keep homes warm when temperatures fell below freezing. However, technological advances have made it so heat pumps can operate even in cold climates, making them a viable heating option for places like the Albany area. There are many benefits to choosing a heat pump system for your home – keep reading to learn more!

How Can My Albany Area Home Benefit from a Heat Pump System?

As heat pump systems become more common in our area, you may be interested in learning more about them. Below, we’ve outlined some of the main benefits of choosing a heat pump system for your home.

  • Heat pumps offer year-round comfort. Not only can a heat pump keep you warm in the winter, but it can also keep you cool in the summer, too. That’s because heat pumps extract heat from the air. In the winter, they extract heat from the outdoor air and pump it into your home (yes, there is heat present in the air, even on chilly winter days.) In the summer months, the process is reversed, and hot air is pumped out of your home.
  • Heat pumps are highly efficient. Heat pumps are considered to be one of the most efficient types of home comfort equipment on the market. The Department of Energy states that a heat pump can reduce your electricity use for heating by approximately 50% compared to electric resistance heating, such as baseboard heaters. They also indicate that high-efficiency heat pumps also dehumidify better than standard central air conditioners, resulting in less energy usage and more cooling comfort in the summer months. Combined, these factors can help you see significant savings on your utility bills all year long!
  • Heat pumps are better for the environment and safer for you. Because they do not require fossil fuel to operate, heat pump systems are considered more environmentally friendly than other types of home comfort equipment. You won’t have to worry about fuel storage, which can sometimes leak and cause hazardous conditions, or carbon monoxide emissions.
  • Heat pumps are available in both ducted and ductless configurations. If you have a central heating and air conditioning system installed in your home, a ducted heat pump system is probably the right choice for you. If you have no system of ductwork in your home and rely on electric baseboard heat in the winter and window AC units in the summer, then a ductless heat pump system is a better option.
  • Heat pumps offer ease of use. No more forgetting to call for fuel in the winter or struggling with installing window air conditioning in the summer. Heat pump systems, whether ducted or ductless, provide comfort with minimal effort on your part.

Are there any incentives available for heat pump systems?

To help people convert to heat pump systems, both New York State and the federal government are currently offering incentives. You can learn more about these incentives and tax credits on the NYS Clean Heat website. Additionally, there are often manufacturer rebates available as well. We encourage you to call us and talk about ways you can save money on a heat pump upgrade for your home. We are pleased to offer our customers quality ducted and ductless heat pump systems, professionally installed by our skilled technicians. Just give us a call at 518.427.8685 and we’ll be happy to help you.

How Do I Know if My Furnace Needs Repairs?

cold couple in winter wear and blankets on couchNobody wants to think about their furnace, boiler, or other type of heating system having trouble when the weather turns chilly. Unfortunately, though, it seems like heating equipment often breaks down when the temperatures outside dip below freezing. And that can leave you and your family cold and uncomfortable while waiting for repairs.

There are, however, a few signs that your heating equipment will often give you before it breaks down completely. In this article, we’ll share five of these warning signs, and how Family Danz can help you get the repairs you need. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Ways Your Heating System Will Let You Know It Needs Repair

  1. You notice cold spots throughout your home. This can mean a variety of things, and sometimes it’s not a direct problem with your heating system, but with your ductwork or thermostat. It’s best to have a professional check it out in order to rule out any mechanical concerns.
  2. There is an unpleasant odor when your system operates. If you smell odors like burning plastic or rubber coming from your heating system, it’s likely that there are components (such as belts) that need replacement. If it’s a burning or gaseous odor, or if you see smoke coming from your equipment, you should leave your home immediately and call 911, as your equipment could be on fire or there could be a gas leak.
  3. Your heating system is making unusual noises. Popping or pinging noises from a boiler system, or squealing noises from a furnace, are your heating equipment’s way of letting you know something is amiss. Any time your system makes strange noises, having it serviced is a safe bet.
  4. You cannot seem to get comfortable. Either you find yourself adjusting the thermostat constantly, or feeling too hot in some rooms and too cold in others. Maybe you’ve noticed that your heating system simply is not working as effectively as it once did. No matter what the scenario, if your heating system isn’t keeping you comfy, there could be bigger issues, and it’s a good idea to call Family Danz.
  5. Your energy bills are higher than they should be. We all know that utility bills are usually higher than we’d like them to be. But if your energy bills have been increasing steadily for no apparent reason, your heating equipment could be using more energy than necessary to operate. While it may be as simple as your system needing a good cleaning, you still should have it checked out by a professional.

If you’re experiencing any of these concerns in your home, you should give Family Danz a call as soon as possible. We can check out your heating system and make any necessary repairs before the problem becomes a larger, and often more expensive, one.

How can Family Danz help if my heater needs to be serviced?

At Family Danz, we’re pleased to offer a complete listing of heating services to our customers. We offer maintenance and repair, as well as the installation of high-quality Bryant heating equipment. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help with your heating needs, give Family Danz Heating & Cooling a call at (518) 427-8685. We’ll tell you about our different heating services, and help you find the solution that best suits your needs.

Feeling Flaky? You May Need a Home Humidification System.

Once the chillier temperatures return to our area, chances are we’ll need to run our heating systems more often in order to keep our homes nice and toasty. While we all love the warm comfort our furnaces provide, unfortunately forced-air heating can also dry the air in our homes. And, if the air becomes too dry, it can cause awhole host of problems.

Nobody wants to deal with the issues caused by dry home conditions. Are you concerned that the air in your home may be overly dry? In this article, we’ll talk about how you can tell if your home is too dry this winter, and how Family Danz can help you add moisture to the air and help you and your family enjoy better home comfort. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Signs Your Home’s Air is Too Dry

If you suspect that the air in your home lacks moisture, here are five tell-tale signs that indicate you need better home humidification:

  1. Itchy, flaky skin. Noticing that your skin is itchy and flaky? While dry skin is a common problem during the winter months, if your home is too dry it can make it even worse. If you have severely dry skin, you might want to consider adding moisture to your home’s environment during the winter months.
  2. Static cling. Do blankets and sheets crackle and cling when you try to make your bed? Do your clothes ride up and do you find the occasional sock clinging to your shirt or pant leg? Then static cling is a problem in your home, as is often the case when indoor air is too dry.
  3. Runny nose and watering eyes. It might seem like the exact opposite would be true, but when the air in your home is too dry, you might experience a runny nose and watering eyes. This is because the membranes of your nose and eyes are actually dehydrated, and your body is compensating by producing excessive mucous or tears.
  4. Creaky floorboards and furniture. Wooden fixtures in your home need moisture in order to stay in good condition. Very dry environments can cause wood floors and furniture to creak, and in some cases, the wood can warp and crack.
  5. Flyaway hair. Does your hair seem to have a mind of its own during the winter, no matter how well-conditioned it is? If your hair is frizzy and flyaway, it’s likely a victim of static, which as we mentioned above is caused by indoor air that lacks the proper level of humidity.

How can Family Danz help with my home humidification needs?

At Family Danz, it’s always important to us that you stay as comfortable as possible in your home. That goes beyond home heating and cooling to include indoor air quality products and services. We’re pleased to offer our customers Bryant® whole house humidifiers. These quality systems help add moisture to the air in your home, helping to keep static cling and physical ailments like dry skin at bay.

Our Bryant whole-house humidifiers easily tie into your heating system to provide a convenient, effective whole-home solution. They work with your furnace and duct system, delivering moisturized air throughout your home. If you’d like to learn more about our home humidification solutions, call Family Danz today at (518) 427-8685 and get the quality service that you expect from a company you know and trust.

How Can I Save Energy in My Home During the Holidays?

woman adjusts thermostatIt’s the most wonderful time of the year – the holiday season! With Thanksgiving fast approaching and Christmas and Hanukkah on the way, your home will likely be filled with friends and family before you know it. While this is the time of year for food, fun, and festivities, it also is the time of year when you might be outspending your budget a bit.

If you’ve been considering how you can save some money while enjoying all the comforts and joys the season has to offer, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll talk about some home efficiency tips that can help you save energy – and money – this holiday season, and all year long. Keep reading to learn more!

Five Ways to Save Energy This Holiday Season

  1. Choose energy-efficient decorations. Lighting up your home inside and out definitely makes it a beautiful sight, but the energy those strings of light use can add up when it comes time for your utility bills. When replacing old holiday lights, choose ones that use LED bulbs instead of the traditional incandescent ones. And, consider putting them on a timer, so you won’t be wasting energy if you forget to unplug them.
  2. Deck your halls with LED lighting. This is the time of year when the days grow shorter, and that means that the lights inside and outside your home likely stay on longer. Consider replacing old, incandescent light bulbs throughout your home’s interior and exterior with LED bulbs. According to the Department of Energy, taking this measure can help you use at least 75 percent less energy than with traditional bulbs. As an added bonus, LED bulbs last up to 25 times longer.
  3. Give yourself the gift of energy savings with smart power strips. Purchasing smart, or advanced power strips for your home can help reduce energy consumption. Even when appliances and devices are off, they still can consume small amounts of energy. When you think of how many electronics are continually plugged in at your home, you can see how energy usage adds up! Advanced power strips detect when a device is in standby mode and cut off power and save energy.
  4. Keep the guest room warm with ductless heating. If you have an addition or converted space in your home that you’ve turned into a guest room, it might not have access to your home’s duct system. It can be tempting to turn up the heat in your home to warm those areas up for your guests, but that can cause your heating system to work overtime and use a lot of energy. Instead, consider installing a ductless unit in that space. Your guests will be able to control the temperature to their liking, and you’ll get more use out of the space yourself.
  5. Lower the thermostat when entertaining. Between the heat from your oven during holiday cooking and the added body heat of your guests, your home is likely to warm up once the festivities begin. Turning the heat down a bit helps you and your guests stay more comfortable – and can save a bit on heating costs.

Choose Family Danz when you need help keeping your home cozy this holiday season.

Whether you need a ductless heating system for your guest room or want to make sure your current heating system will keep your home warm and toasty during the holidays (and all winter long), Family Danz can help. As a full-service heating contractor, you can count on us for the heating installation, maintenance, and repair services you need. Just give us a call at (518) 427-8685, and we’ll be more than happy to help.

Just give us a call at (518) 427-8685, and we will be glad to assist you.Contact Family Danz

The Holiday Season is Approaching – Is Your Home Ready?

woman lounges on couch and adjusts ductless heatingEven though it’s early in the fall season, many people are starting to think about the holiday season and the cooler weather that comes with it. Autumn is a great time to make sure your home is ready for the chillier weather – and the holiday guests – to come. If you have a room that would be perfect for guests, but lacks an adequate heating system, there’s good news.

Ductless heating is a perfect choice for areas in your home that don’t have access to your home’s central heating system. Additions, converted garages and attics, and finished basements can all benefit from a ductless heating system. In this article, we’ll talk about the many benefits of ductless heating, and how Family Danz can help.

Contact Family Danz

How can a ductless heating system make my home more comfortable?

If you have an area in your home that you’re currently keeping warm with a space heater, you may want to consider ductless heating. A ductless unit can be installed easily with minimal construction – usually within one day, depending on your home. Ductless systems generally operate using a heat pump and are highly efficient as a result; often much more efficient than a typical space heater.

Of course, you may have heard that ductless systems aren’t a great option in the Albany area because of the cold temperatures we often experience. While it’s true that in the past, heat pumps wouldn’t work properly once outside temperatures dipped down, today’s heat pumps are made for cold climates. That makes them a great option for heating an addition or converted space in your home.

What are the benefits of a ductless heat pump system?

As we’ve already mentioned, ductless heating systems are a terrific choice for heating a space in your home that doesn’t have ductwork. Here are a few more reasons why you might want to consider ductless for your home, according to NYS Clean Heat:

  • Better Efficiency: Ductless heat pump systems are highly energy efficient, and the cost of operation is usually less than a propane or an electric space heating option.
  • Cleaner Heating: Because heat pumps don’t use fossil fuels, you can count on them to provide cleaner heat in your home. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about dangerous carbon monoxide emissions like you would with propane or kerosene-burning space heaters.
  • Better Year-Round Comfort: As an added bonus, ductless heat pumps can be reversed in the summer months, providing cooling to your space. No more clunky, noisy, and inefficient window air conditioners!
  • Quiet Operation: Ductless systems are notoriously whisper-quiet, making them a great choice for comfort control in a guest bedroom or home theater room. You won’t be competing with the buzz of a space heater or the hum of a window AC.
  • Easy Maintenance: Ductless heating and cooling is easy to maintain. As a homeowner, you can easily clean the outside of the unit with a damp cloth, and most ductless systems have filters that are simple to remove and clean. Yearly maintenance from the professionals at Family Danz is all you need to ensure your ductless system will work effectively and efficiently all year!

I think ductless would be a great choice for my home. Can Family Danz help?

At Family Danz, we’re pleased to offer a complete listing of ductless services to our customers. We offer maintenance and repair, as well as the installation of high-quality Mitsubishi ductless products. If you’d like to learn more about ductless heating for your home, Family Danz Heating & Cooling a call at (518) 427-8685. We’ll tell you about the different options for ductless cooling and heating, and help you find the solution that best suits your needs.

Just give us a call at (518) 427-8685, and we will be glad to assist you.

Contact Family Danz

Have You Scheduled Your Fall Tune-Up? 5 Reasons Why You Should.

Person replacing their heating system filterYou rely on your heating system to help you stay comfortable once the chilly weather hits. That’s why yearly maintenance on your furnace, boiler, or heat pump system is so important.

With annual fall maintenance, you can keep your heating system running smoothly all winter long – and save yourself from the hassle of a breakdown. We’re sharing five reasons why you should call and schedule your fall heating maintenance appointment below.

Top 5 Reasons to Consider Maintenance for Your Home Heating System

  1. Heating maintenance helps keep your system running efficiently. A dirty system has to work much harder to operate properly. When you get annual maintenance, your system will be cleaned and its components well-oiled – making it operate more easily, and thus more efficiently.
  2. A well-maintained furnace, boiler, or heat pump lasts longer. Think about it – if you never maintained your vehicle, you wouldn’t expect it to last very long. Your heating equipment is the same. It needs cleaning, maintenance, and even small repairs in order to stay in good working condition.
  3. You’ll be less likely to experience a breakdown come winter. Getting seasonal maintenance can help find small problems before they become larger ones. You’ll be able to take care of the problem before it really starts – and becomes an expensive repair or replacement.
  4. Your indoor air quality will be better. Because your system is cleaned and the filter is changed, you can expect that the air circulating through your system and throughout your home will be much cleaner and less likely to be dirty or dusty.
  5. You’ll maintain your manufacturer warranty. If you read the fine print on your manufacturer warranty for your heating equipment, you’ll likely find that preventive maintenance is required in order to keep your warranty intact. And this is important because it can prevent you from having to pay expensive repair or replacement costs.

Getting the preventive maintenance you need is as easy as calling Family Danz.

At Family Danz, we’re always ready to help our customers’ heating systems run their most efficient best. We’re here to help you get the fall maintenance you need. Just give us a call at 518.427.8685 and we’ll schedule an appointment for you.

Just give us a call at (518) 427-8685, and we will be glad to assist you.

Contact Family Danz

Should I Get a Whole-Home Humidifier This Winter?

During the winter months, many homeowners find that the air inside their homes becomes dry, especially those with forced-air heat. While the heated air keeps your home and family toasty, it can also lack moisture. And that can lead to a whole host of concerns. Some of the discomforts that people experience when the air in their home is too dry include itchy skin, scratchy throats, and an increased frequency of ailments like colds and nosebleeds. Additionally, your home can suffer as well – you might notice that the floorboards are creaking or painted woodwork is peeling.

So, what can you do to improve the level of humidity in your home? Many people find that installing a whole-home humidification system does the trick! Whole-home systems are different than room humidifiers because they deliver humidified air to your entire home rather than one singular space. And, you won’t have to worry about them running out of water – most systems need little to no maintenance, making it easier for you and your family to enjoy humidified air, no matter how cold it gets outside.

I’m not sure if I need a home humidification system. What are some of the signs?

As we mentioned above, winter months can mean overly dry indoor air. Lack of outside air, running the furnace constantly, and using other heating methods, such as fireplaces, all contribute to drying out your home’s air. If you notice any of the following signs of overly dry air, it’s likely that you need to add some humidity to your home environment.

  • Static electricity is a problem. Is your hair standing on end and your clothing clinging, or are you noticing those little zaps when you walk across the carpet? Those are all signs of too much static electricity – and too little moisture in the air.
  • Your mucous membranes feel uncomfortable. Yuck! Nobody wants to think about mucous membranes, but those delicate linings of your eyes, nose, mouth, and throat can all become especially irritated when the air in your home is too dry.
  • Your skin is itchy, too. If your skin is dry and flaky, and your lips are chapped and cracking, it doesn’t feel the greatest – and it’s a really good indication that the air in your home is way too dry.
  • Your wooden furniture is creaky. Overly dry air can cause issues with the wooden furniture and fixtures in your home. Your hardwood floors and stairs may warp, and paint may crack. Very delicate wooden furniture and fixtures may even crack and split.

Can Family Danz help me if my home is overly dry?

We sure can! We offer home humidification solutions that can help you get the humidity levels you need in your home – helping you enjoy better comfort. We’re pleased to offer our customers the Bryant® Preferred™ Series humidifier, which can deliver humidified air throughout your entire home. Call Family Danz today at (518) 427-8685 and get the quality service that you expect from a company you know and trust.

Just give us a call at (518) 427-8685, and we will be glad to assist you.Contact Family Danz

Feeling Chilly This Winter? Keep Your Whole House Warm with Ductless!

Woman sits on couch using remote control on ductless unitThe cold winter months in the Capital Region can certainly make it difficult to stay comfortable. You look to your home as a warm, cozy haven to come into out of the cold, but if your heating isn’t adequate, you’re probably feeling the chill even when you’re indoors. Central heating systems work great in areas where your ductwork can reach, but in some instances, you may need a little extra help keeping your house warm.

Fortunately, ductless heating systems are a great option. Because of new technology, ductless now works great even in colder climates, making it a solid choice for homeowners in the Northeast. Plus, because it is available in a number of different configurations, it can be installed in most homes with minimal construction and downtime. In this article, we’ll explore the different ways ductless may benefit your home.

Areas of Your Home Where Ductless Heating Can Be Beneficial

Ductless heating relies on a heat pump system to transfer the heat from the outdoor air into your home. Many people worry this won’t work in colder temperatures, but there is heat in the outdoor air, even on chillier days. This heat is brought into the home using an outdoor heat pump unit and generally requires only a small-diameter hole to connect the outdoor and indoor units. As a result, your technician should easily be able to install your ductless system quickly – so you will be toasty-warm in no time.

Ductless systems can either be installed as singular units or in a multiple unit configuration throughout your whole home. Here are three different scenarios where ductless can help keep your entire house comfortable:

  1. You have an addition or converted space. If you’ve added onto your home or converted an area such as an attached garage or attic into living space, this area of your home might not have access to your central HVAC system. With a ductless system, you’ll be able to keep that area of your home warm, without having the mess and expense of adding ductwork.
  2. You have “cold spots” in your home. There are a variety of reasons you may notice one room of your home does not warm up adequately. If you have an older home, it may have not been originally built with an HVAC system in mind. If you’ve added space, your current heating system may not be able to effectively heat the home due to its sizing. A ductless system can help remedy that – and help your central heating system work more efficiently.
  3. You have old, inefficient baseboard electric heat. Generally speaking, homes with electric heating systems often do not have ductwork. Adding it can be a costly, time-consuming, and messy venture. And, you may not have the space to add ductwork to your home. With ductless heating, you can replace an old baseboard heating system with a new, highly efficient system that takes up no floor space and provides the benefit of air conditioning in the summer – so you can get rid of those bulky, noisy window AC units.

Wait… ductless can keep my home cool in the summer, too?

Yes! As an added benefit of ductless, the process of transferring heat indoors can be reversed in the summer months, keeping you and your family cool when it gets hot outdoors. A ductless system provides heating and air conditioning, all in one compact unit!

And, there are some other benefits you’ll appreciate as well:

  • High efficiency. Ductless systems, according to ENERGY STAR, use an average of 60 percent less energy to operate than standard baseboard electric heat, and up to 30 percent less energy than window or room air conditioners.
  • Quiet operation. Most people who have ductless heating and cooling marvel over how quiet their system is – in fact, most say it’s as quiet as a whisper. Anyone who has had noisy window air conditioning can appreciate that!
  • Remote control. Ductless systems are extremely easy to control using a remote. Some even have an app that you can download, making it easy to control the temperature using your smartphone.

How can I get ductless heating and cooling for my home?

Getting ductless for your home is as easy as giving Family Danz a call. We’ll be glad to talk to you about ductless heating and cooling, and what configuration is the best choice for your home. Just give us a call at (518)427-8685, and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment with you.

Contact Family Danz