Why Choose a Career in HVAC?
New York is a great place for HVAC technicians. Why? Here, we have variable weather year-round, which means our customers rely on us to help them stay safe and comfortable all year long. According to the ACHR News, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted a growth of 21 percent in the field between 2012 and…
Is a Heat Pump System a Good Choice for My Home?
More and more people are looking for ways to become more energy-efficient, from the types of vehicles they drive to the lighting fixtures they install in their homes. As you may be aware, your home’s HVAC system is one of the biggest contributors to your annual utility costs. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy…
My Home is Too Humid. What Can I Do?
The right humidity level in your home is important, not just for your comfort, but for your actual house as well. According to Bob Vila, the ideal humidity level for a home is between 30 and 50 percent. Vila explains that once the humidity goes past that 50-percent mark, home residents will likely start to…
Should I Repair or Replace My Air Conditioning System?
Have you noticed that the air conditioning system you have installed in your home has been struggling this summer? Maybe you’re having a hard time keeping your home as cool as you’d like. Or, maybe you’ve noticed that your energy bills are skyrocketing for no apparent reason. If you’re concerned that your AC system isn’t…
I Need New Equipment – How Can I Save Money?
Like any other major equipment purchase, updating the HVAC system in your home can be an expense. Even if you’ve budgeted for it, you might wonder if there is any way you can save some money and still get a reliable, efficient system. At Family Danz, we’re always working to help our customers get the…
Heating Systems 101: Learn About the Types of Heating Equipment
Now that the heating season has arrived, you may be thinking about the heating system in your home – especially if it’s not working properly. Unlike in the past when most people used either boilers or furnaces to heat their homes, today there are many types of heating systems available. Across the board, modern heating…
6 Ways to Winterize Your Home
Preparing Your Home for Winter Winter usually comes early in New York – bringing with it chilly temperatures and snow. It’s important that your home is ready for cooler weather. Of course, being comfortable is the primary concern, but a home that isn’t winter-ready can use more energy. That’s because heated air can easily escape…
Air Filtration & Your Business – Is It Important?
If you’re a business owner, you probably have been working diligently to ensure you’re following reopening mandates and guidelines. Depending on the type of business or commercial building you own, there have been some mandates put in place regarding HVAC systems. One such mandate has to do with air filtration. Filters with a higher MERV…
5 Tips for Better Air Conditioning Performance
Your air conditioning system was likely a significant investment in your home. As such, you want it to last as long as possible. But, if your AC is overworked, the more likely it is to perform poorly, need repairs before its time, or worse yet, break down completely and need to be replaced. Fortunately, there…
FAQ – How We’re Handling Things During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ensuring the health and safety of our customers and our employees remains our top priority. We continue to focus on providing essential customer services, and we want to address the most common questions that many of you have right now. Are you providing services right now? Yes. Heating and cooling contractors have been deemed essential…