6 Ways to Winterize Your Home

Preparing Your Home for Winter

Winter usually comes early in New York – bringing with it chilly temperatures and snow. It’s important that your home is ready for cooler weather. Of course, being comfortable is the primary concern, but a home that isn’t winter-ready can use more energy. That’s because heated air can easily escape out of unprepared doors and windows, and the home’s heating system has to work harder to keep the house warm. But there are a few steps you can take to winterize your home – and enjoy better comfort.

6 Ways to Winterize Your Home

  1. Make sure doors and windows are draft-free. Windows and doors that aren’t draft-proof can cause cold air to get in, and warm air to escape. You can help keep this from happening by using window insulation film, weather-strip tape, and adding draft guards at the bottom of doors.
  1. Consider adding insulation. If your home is older, there is a good chance it doesn’t have the amount of insulation it needs. Blown-in insulation can settle, leaving gaps in your walls, and older insulation is not as energy-efficient as some of the newer kinds on the market.
  1. Reverse your ceiling fans. An easy way to stay warmer is by reversing your ceiling fans so the blades move clockwise. This pushes warmer air that rises to the ceiling down into your living space.
  1. Clean your gutters. Leaves and other debris that build up in your gutter block any water from melting snow from flowing freely, which can cause ice damming in the winter – and that can make your home a lot colder and can cause damage to your roof.
  1. Install a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats help you enjoy better comfort and help your HVAC system operate more efficiently. You can set the temperature so that it’s lower while you’re away but toasty-warm by the time you and your family return home.
  1. Change your heating system’s filter. The filter in your heating system can get clogged with dirt and debris. This is especially the case if your system runs frequently. Not sure how to change your filter? You can always count on the professionals at Family Danz to help.

Make sure your heating system is ready for winter by calling Family Danz.

Of course, your heating system is the number-one way you keep your home warm during the winter months. Having it maintained on an annual basis is one of the best ways you can assure it operates effectively and efficiently all winter long, and lasts for years to come.

If you need heating system maintenance, just give us a call at 518.427.8685 and we will be glad to help.
Contact Family Danz