Need a New Home Comfort System? Heat Pumps are a Great Choice.

Now that the summer months are winding down, you may be wondering if your home heating system will be ready for the cooler weather ahead. If you’ve been considering updating your home comfort equipment, you should know that heat pumps are a great option. Heat pump systems have been around for a while, but have only recently become a more popular choice for home comfort in the Northeast.

That’s because older heat pumps did not have the capacity to keep homes warm when temperatures fell below freezing. However, technological advances have made it so heat pumps can operate even in cold climates, making them a viable heating option for places like the Albany area. There are many benefits to choosing a heat pump system for your home – keep reading to learn more!

How Can My Albany Area Home Benefit from a Heat Pump System?

As heat pump systems become more common in our area, you may be interested in learning more about them. Below, we’ve outlined some of the main benefits of choosing a heat pump system for your home.

  • Heat pumps offer year-round comfort. Not only can a heat pump keep you warm in the winter, but it can also keep you cool in the summer, too. That’s because heat pumps extract heat from the air. In the winter, they extract heat from the outdoor air and pump it into your home (yes, there is heat present in the air, even on chilly winter days.) In the summer months, the process is reversed, and hot air is pumped out of your home.
  • Heat pumps are highly efficient. Heat pumps are considered to be one of the most efficient types of home comfort equipment on the market. The Department of Energy states that a heat pump can reduce your electricity use for heating by approximately 50% compared to electric resistance heating, such as baseboard heaters. They also indicate that high-efficiency heat pumps also dehumidify better than standard central air conditioners, resulting in less energy usage and more cooling comfort in the summer months. Combined, these factors can help you see significant savings on your utility bills all year long!
  • Heat pumps are better for the environment and safer for you. Because they do not require fossil fuel to operate, heat pump systems are considered more environmentally friendly than other types of home comfort equipment. You won’t have to worry about fuel storage, which can sometimes leak and cause hazardous conditions, or carbon monoxide emissions.
  • Heat pumps are available in both ducted and ductless configurations. If you have a central heating and air conditioning system installed in your home, a ducted heat pump system is probably the right choice for you. If you have no system of ductwork in your home and rely on electric baseboard heat in the winter and window AC units in the summer, then a ductless heat pump system is a better option.
  • Heat pumps offer ease of use. No more forgetting to call for fuel in the winter or struggling with installing window air conditioning in the summer. Heat pump systems, whether ducted or ductless, provide comfort with minimal effort on your part.

Are there any incentives available for heat pump systems?

To help people convert to heat pump systems, both New York State and the federal government are currently offering incentives. You can learn more about these incentives and tax credits on the NYS Clean Heat website. Additionally, there are often manufacturer rebates available as well. We encourage you to call us and talk about ways you can save money on a heat pump upgrade for your home. We are pleased to offer our customers quality ducted and ductless heat pump systems, professionally installed by our skilled technicians. Just give us a call at 518.427.8685 and we’ll be happy to help you.