When Should I Consider a New Heating System?

cold homeWhen winter’s chill returns to the Albany area, most homeowners turn to their home heating system for warmth and comfort. An effective, efficient heating system can make the freezing temperatures outside more bearable and can help you and your family stay cozy on the chilliest of days. But, if your heating system isn’t working as well as it should, you may find yourself cold, uncomfortable, and paying more on your utility bills.

A new heating system can be a costly venture, which is why many people put off replacing their old system. However, it may cost you more to keep that old heating system going. In this article, we’ll talk about the signs that you might need a new heating system and how Family Danz can help you find the right one for your home and lifestyle needs. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Heating System

Nobody likes to think about having to replace HVAC equipment in their home. Your heating system is a major investment and something you rely on for comfort for several months of the year. If your system is showing the following signs, though, it may be time for a replacement.

  1. Your heating system is more than 15 years old. In our area of the state, the heating systems in our homes often are working from October through May. That means that they put in a lot of overtime keeping us comfortable. As your heating system ages, it becomes less effective and efficient, especially if it hasn’t received the proper maintenance. If you’ve noticed your energy bills increasing and your comfort decreasing, then it’s probably time for a replacement.
  2. You’ve had to make frequent, expensive repairs. Because your heating system works hard to keep you comfortable, you can expect to make minor repairs now and then. That’s a normal part of your heating system aging. However, if repairs have become more frequent and more costly, you may be better off financially overall if you replace your system.
  3. Your energy bills have steadily increased over the years. As your equipment ages, it loses some of its original efficiency. The older it is, the more inefficient it becomes, leaving you with higher and higher energy bills. Many of today’s heating systems offer much better efficiency than their predecessors, so it’s likely that by replacing your system, you’ll save money. High-efficiency systems can save you between 10-20% over a 15-year-old furnace, for instance.
  4. You have added on to your home. Many people don’t take their HVAC system into account when they add space to their home, but if you have built an addition, upgraded your basement, or converted any space not formerly attached to your home’s HVAC system, your heating system may not be the right size for your increased square footage. While you may not need an entirely new system, you may want to consider an alternative source of heat, such as ductless, as it will help balance out your heating and allow your central heating system to operate more efficiently.
  5. You and your family are never comfortable. If you’re always having heating system failure, or your equipment is inadequately heating your home, or no matter how many times you adjust the thermostat you simply cannot get your home warm, it’s time to consider a new system.

If your heating system is showing any of the signs above, it’s time to call in the pros. They will examine your system to see if repairs are all that is needed, and if so, explain to you what repairs they’ll make and the cost. If your system should be replaced, they’ll show you all the available options and help you choose the right heating system for your home – and your budget.

If you need a heating system replacement, count on Family Danz to help.

At Family Danz, we’re pleased to offer our customers complete heating services, so whether you have a furnace, boiler, or heat pump, our skilled technicians can help. They’ll thoroughly troubleshoot your system to see if making repairs is cost-effective And, if repairs will either be extremely expensive or impossible, they can help you choose replacement equipment so you and your family can enjoy a comfy, cozy home all winter long. Just give us a call at 518.427.8685 and we’ll be happy to help you.