Become a VIP for Maintenance

There’s no escaping it — if you have a heating or cooling system with moving parts, sooner or later you are going to need some maintenance. And if your heating or cooling device has no moving parts it’s probably because you already went a little too long without a Family Danz professional taking a look at it.

Don’t be caught out in the cold — or in the heat — with HVAC equipment that is not working at its maximum efficiency. Sign up for the Family Danz Preferred Service Agreement and you’ll not only have the peace of mind knowing you have the unknown ailments to come covered by experienced service masters, but you will also become a VIP when it comes to calling for service in an emergency.

It’s like the express aisle at the grocery store with no lines and no waiting!

In addition to priority scheduling, customers signed up for the Preferred Service Agreement receive a 15 percent discount on parts and labor needed to bring the equipment back to working order plus 24-hour emergency service with no overtime rates.

Every agreement features a professional cleaning and precision tune up of your HVAC system. Heat maintenance also includes an analysis of the combustion air and a check of the carbon monoxide levels, air filters, safety controls, and heat exchanger.

For gas heat systems we check flue passages and gas pressure, while in oil heat units we inspect the vacuum heat exchanger, replace the nozzle and oil filter, and check the oil storage heat.

In air conditioning systems, the Preferred Service Agreement includes a check of the refrigerant charge, electrical components, air filters, condensate drainage, overall efficiency, and condenser coils.

In addition to the standard HVAC systems, Family Danz also has comprehensive service agreements available for water heaters, heat pumps, and humidifiers.

Keeping your HVAC machinery properly maintained not only increases its efficiency but will also lower your utility bills, reduce the need for those emergency service calls (which always seem to happen at the worst possible time…) and increase the life of your equipment.

For full details on signing up for a Preferred Service Agreement, call Family Danz today at .