Don’t Suffer with Old Air Conditioning – 5 Reasons to Update Your System.

Once summer is in full swing, the heat and humidity can become unpleasant, and homeowners rely on their air conditioning systems to keep them cool. Unfortunately, if your air conditioning system is old, it might not be helping you stay as comfortable as you’d like. And, it might need frequent repairs that are both inconvenient and costly.

Sometimes, replacing an older system becomes a necessity, when the air conditioning unit breaks down completely and is beyond repair. But, you might want to make the replacement before that happens, so you won’t have to deal with discomfort – and another costly repair bill. In this article, we’ll talk about why replacing your current AC system may be the best choice, and how Family Danz can help. Keep reading to learn more!

Five Reasons to Consider Replacing Your Old AC System

Not sure if you need to replace that old air conditioner with a new one? We’re sharing five reasons why it might make good sense to consider a replacement:

  1. Better energy efficiency. The older a system is, the less efficient it is. And, some homeowners have air conditioning systems that are 20 years old or more. These systems were far less efficient than their modern counterparts, to begin with, and chances are they’ve become less efficient over time. A new system will likely use much less energy – and you’ll start saving on your energy bills right away.
  2. Improved refrigerant. Older air conditioning systems may use an outdated type of refrigerant. Newer types of refrigerants have been developed to be more efficient and environmentally sound. And, if your system uses an outdated type of refrigerant, it will likely be very difficult to find replacement refrigerant, and if it is found, it will be very costly.
  3. Improved home comfort. Your old air conditioning system is probably not keeping your home as comfortable as it once did. As time goes on, all air conditioning systems stop working as effectively as they once did. You can extend your system’s life by making sure it’s regularly maintained, but if your system is older and you’ve had to make frequent repairs, you’re likely not as comfortable as you could be.
  4. Proper sizing. If you have added to your home or have converted unused areas into living space, your current system may no longer be the proper size for your home. And, that can make your air conditioner have to work much harder to keep your home cool. You may not need to replace your entire air conditioning system, though – many homeowners can balance their cooling by adding a ductless system to added spaces.
  5. Better indoor air quality. Older air conditioning systems, especially ones that have been neglected, can cause a decrease in indoor air quality. That’s because dust, dirt, microbes, and other particulates can collect in the system. While regular maintenance helps, old AC units aren’t as effective at filtering out moisture as newer models, and that can lead to mold growth.

As you can see, an older air conditioning system might not be keeping you as cool and comfortable as you’d like – and it might be costing you more money than it should, too.

How can Family Danz help me get new air conditioning for my home?

At Family Danz, we’re a full-service air conditioning contractor and can help you with any AC need you might have. Whether you need air conditioning maintenance, repair, or a brand-new system installation to help you stay cool this summer, we’re ready to assist you. We will always look out for your best interest and provide exceptional air conditioning services and products of the highest quality to ensure the expected comfort and safety. Simply call us at (518) 427-8685 and we will be happy to schedule an appointment with you.