Clearing the Air

Now that it’s getter colder outside, you’ve probably gotten your home sealed up with weather stripping and plastic sheeting to prevent heat loss and conserve energy. But now that leads to another concern … making sure your indoor air quality is comfortable and clean until you can get the house windows open again to let the fresh air back in.

With the reduction of the natural air flow and a growing dependency on your furnace, you’ll want to make sure you don’t add to the problem with dirty heating vent ductwork. If the ductwork hasn’t been cleaned recently, firing up your Family Danz furnace for the first time this season likely sent some of the clutter that was inside it out into the living areas of the home. There’s probably more where that came from.

It’s not too late for a thorough duct cleaning, and your friendly Family Danz technician will professionally remove any foreign substances in the ducts. These can range from the smallest dust particles to possibly more serious mold, and the cleaning process — using our state-of-the-art equipment — will create a healthier environment in the home.

An air cleaner will remove dust, pet dander and other household contaminants, making it easier to breathe. That air cleaner might also be a necessity, especially in homes where there are elderly, infants, or anyone with allergies.

It’s a lot drier during the winter months, and your scratchy skin and constant electric shocks are evidence of the discomfort the dry air causes. The winter is time to install a humidifier. It will reduce the amount of dust and dirt in the air that will end up in your lungs. And not only will you feel better once it is delivering moisture into the air, but the humidifier also helps your heating system run at better efficiency plus protect your woodwork from cracking.

We can help you decide exactly what you need for maximum comfort in your home, not just during the winter but all year long. For professional advice on all your indoor air quality concerns, call Family Danz today at .