Is your A/C up to Par? Make sure you’re ready for summer

Summer is well on its way, and you’ll want to be sure that your air conditioning unit will last through the cooling season before the real heat starts. If your system is more than 10 years old, now is a good time to evaluate whether it needs updates, repairs or replacement.

First of all, you need to view your air conditioning system as you would any other equipment or appliance you use in your home. Just like your dryer or dishwasher, your cooling system suffers from wear and tear, too. As time goes on, you may find that it doesn’t seem to be cooling as well as it once did or that there are spots in your home that are not as cool as they should be.

Need help determining whether or not your system is up to par? Here are some tips that might help you decide:

– Have you found that your energy bills are steadily increasing, especially in the months when you use air conditioning? Has your system required frequent repairs? Then it’s likely that it may have become less efficient than it once was.

– Despite the conditioned air, do you notice that your home is still excessively humid during the summer? This could be indicative of ductwork leaks or sub-par equipment operation.

– Is your unit is more than 10 years old? Then it’s probably not as efficient as it once was, which translates into higher energy costs for you. Changing to an Energy Star-approved system can help you save up to 20 percent on cooling costs this summer.

– Do the temperatures in your home seem inconsistent?  Hot spots around the house when your AC is running can be a sign of both duct problems and improper equipment operation.

– What’s that noise? If your air conditioning unit is making unusual sounds or is louder than it used to be, there are several causes. Having your system checked out can help determine the problem.

Nobody wants to start out the summer months by finding out that their cooling system is no longer up to par. Don’t wait until the weather heats up to learn that your system needs to be replaced. Call us today at , and one of our comfort specialists will be happy to help you!